Where the adoption pay period starts before 5 April 2015, SAP is paid for the entire 39 weeks at either the lower of the standard weekly rate or 90% of average weekly earnings if that’s less.
From 5 April 2015 the first 6 weeks will be paid at 90% of the average weekly earnings. For the remaining 33 weeks SAP will be paid at the lower of the standard weekly rate or 90% average weekly earnings.
The new entitlement mirrors the current arrangements for Statutory Maternity Pay. Also, SAP will apply to surrogacies for the first time.
The new SAP payments will be calculated in Opera for adoption pay periods that start on or after 5 April 2015. This applies if the Use Full SAP Processing option is selected on the Set Options form (accessed from the Payroll – Utilities menu).
Where the adoption pay period starts before 5 April 2015, SAP is paid for the entire 39 weeks at either the lower of the standard weekly rate or 90% of average weekly earnings if that’s less.
From 5 April 2015 the first 6 weeks will be paid at 90% of the average weekly earnings. For the remaining 33 weeks SAP will be paid at the lower of the standard weekly rate or 90% average weekly earnings.
The new entitlement mirrors the current arrangements for Statutory Maternity Pay. Also, SAP will apply to surrogacies for the first time.
The new SAP payments will be calculated in Opera for adoption pay periods that start on or after 5 April 2015. This applies if the Use Full SAP Processing option is selected on the Set Options form (accessed from the Payroll – Utilities menu).

Disclaimer: This document is intended to provide general advice and has been prepared as a guide only. It is the user’s responsibility to decide how they want to proceed with the information given. Intsys UK Ltd accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misleading statements on these pages.