Opera 3, Opera SE, infor SunSystems and Infor Q&A innovative finance and reporting solutions
Automate Purchase Invoicing and add control of spend with sophisticated approval workflows
HMRC certified solution. 1 in 20 employees in the UK is paid using Opera Payroll
CIS is a solution designed for the construction industry. Operations is for manuifacturing companies
Opera 3, SAGE, Office, we can host almost any application that you use.
Easy to use with other local apps
Virtualise your whole system, reduce expensive IT Support costs and benefit from the Cloud
Cloud with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) for 3D engineering and/or design software
We also offer IT Support to Cloud users to help with any software or hardware issues
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel

Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
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All our knowledge at your fingertips.
Accessible 24/7 with exclusive training videos and much more
Intsys is a Business Software partner focussed on providing & supporting ERP and Cloud Solutions
1. Email your invoices
Forward your supplier emails with invoices to the application. Data is automatically extracted, deciphered, and displayed in the new Invoices list within Opera 3.
If you receive multiple invoices within the same PDF the system will automatically split this into different lines.

How it works:

Would you like to add Worfklow approvals and Budget control?
With our Zahara-Opera Procurement Solution, you can raise orders and carry out invoice approvals by email, create automatic invoice approval triggers as well as automate invoice processing, and matching them with orders. You can also assign and control department and project budgets with workflow automation. Once invoices are approved they are automatically posted in your Opera 3 Purchase Ledger with the PDF file linked to each transaction.