Opera 3, Opera SE, infor SunSystems and Infor Q&A innovative finance and reporting solutions
Automate Purchase Invoicing and add control of spend with sophisticated approval workflows
HMRC certified solution. 1 in 20 employees in the UK is paid using Opera Payroll
CIS is a solution designed for the construction industry. Operations is for manuifacturing companies
Opera 3, SAGE, Office, we can host almost any application that you use.
Easy to use with other local apps
Virtualise your whole system, reduce expensive IT Support costs and benefit from the Cloud
Cloud with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) for 3D engineering and/or design software
We also offer IT Support to Cloud users to help with any software or hardware issues
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel

Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
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GDPR Subject Access Request
Under the GDPR, individuals will have the right to obtain:
confirmation that their data is being processed
access to their personal data
other supplementary information
When it comes to responding to SARs, the requirement is that you respond in the same format as that in which the request was made. If you, therefore, receive a SAR by email, responding to it and providing the data you hold should also be in electronic format.

What is the Personal Data Search?
Based on known criteria entered by the user such as surname, email
address etc, Personal Data Search searches in:
Sales/Purchase/Nominal Ledgers
Payroll, Personnel
Fixed Assets
People’s Profiles
and returns a list of all individuals that fit the search criteria, along with the areas of the system where this information is held.
It then provides the ability to print this information, export it to Excel or export as a .csv file.
How can Personal Data Search
help you comply with GDPR?
Personal Data Search is a simple to use and extremely effective tool for identifying personal data in Opera 3 and presenting it in the required format, a process which would otherwise take a considerable amount of time. It will be invaluable when you receive Subject Access Requests from customers, prospects, suppliers or employees and need to locate the relevant data and provide it in either printed or electronic format.
CRM Changes
Data processing in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) now allows
recording of the purpose for processing personal data, and the Consent
Given/Withdrawn dates for activities in CRM such as searching for contacts, mail merging letters to contacts and bulk emailing to contacts.

Personal Data Search is designed to help Opera 3 users locate personal data held within an Opera 3 company. All you need to do is enter the personal information you know and Personal Data Search will scan through Opera 3 and display a list of the records that match your search criteria. You can search using a wide range of criteria, from surname, postcode and email address to address line and phone number, as well as more detailed information such as customer account code and employee reference or NI number.
The areas of the system that are searched include:
• Sales Ledger: customers and contacts
• Purchase Ledger: suppliers and contacts
• CRM: Sales Regions/Territories/Types/Routes/Despatch
• CRM: company processing, contact details, contact addresses, helpdesk calls
• Nominal Ledger: banks
• Cashbook: payees
• Fixed Assets: locations and insurance companies
• Payroll: employee details, pension scheme contacts, bank contacts
• Personnel: employee details, including emergency contacts
• People Profiles

Search criteria entry