This article describes how to create a Supplier Record and also the significance of Model accounts. When you create an account, the record becomes available for processing in the Purchase Ledger and Purchase Order Processing if the Purchase Order box is ticked on the supplier’s record.
Model Accounts and Supplier Defaults
The purpose of a model account is to be used as a template when creating new supplier records. When you create a new supplier record, the Options list on the Add New Supplier dialog box provides three options: • Create Account Without a Model • Create Account Using a Model • Create a Model Account

Provided you have created at least one model account, you can use the Create Account Using a Model option to determine default entries for most of the boxes on the Supplier form and its associated forms. These defaults can be overridden to customise the record before saving.
To Create Supplier Records
1. Click the Financials tab and then click Purchase - Processing 2. To create a new record, click the New icon on the toolbar or press CTRL+N. The Add New Supplier form is displayed. 3. In Account Code, type a unique code to identify the supplier record. Account numbers must be unique. 4. In the Options list, click to select whether you want to create an account with or without a model or create a model account. If you choose to create an account using a model, click to select the model account in the Model Account list. 5. In the Supplier Profile and Terms Profile lists, click to select the profile records you want for the account, or leave blank to maintain custom profile settings for the account. 6. Click OK. In the boxes provided, enter the supplier details. 7. To save the record, click the Save icon on the toolbar or press CTRL+S. Then complete the details on the Options, Terms, Analysis, Orders and EC VAT forms. These forms are opened automatically when a new supplier is being created.