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Email Payslips Frequent issues

We have put together a list of the most common queries that have been encountered when using email payslips in Pegasus Opera 3.

Note: This article is only relevant if you are using the integrated Pegasus version of email payslips.

Q. I have set up an employee for email payslips, but it is not sending the payslip to this employee.

A.Payroll > Processing > Action > Details & Bank

Underneath the email address details, a “Confirmation Date” must be entered before you can send email Payslips/P60s. If it is not entered, the system will only allow you to send Welcome and Password emails to the respective employee.

Q: I have run the email payslips but none of them have been sent out.

A: Payroll > E-mail Admin > Check E-mail Status

This a very import function that must be carried out each time you send email documents from the Opera 3 Payroll module.

This will allow you to check if there has been any issue during the creation or sending of email payslips/P60s from the Opera end.

You can run the function as “Report only” if you just want to view the information, however you must run “Report and update correspondence status” in order for the email sending process to complete in full. If successful, email status should change from “Pending” to “Sent”.

Q: What does each “Status” mean?

A: Please see below:

Generation pending - Correspondence sent to Pegasus Scheduler but still needs to be converted to PDF files.

E-mail pending - Correspondence sent to Pegasus Scheduler that has been successfully converted to PDF files, but has not been [...]

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