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ARCHIVE ALL EMAILSCapture, save and index all emails, all incoming and outgoing emails, historical emails from the mail server, emails from PST and other archiving solutions.
Real Time FetchingEmail Server journaling feature is used to capture all incoming and outgoing emails in real time. POP3, IMAP4, sPOP3, sIMAP4 protocols are supported.
Works with top email serversMS Exchange, Office 365, Gmail, Lotus Notes Domino Server, etc.
Send Incoming/Outgoing EmailA SMTP server is active and listing to incoming messages. Mail relay servers or email firewalls can forward a copy of an email to the email archiving solution.
Import PST filesA native tool will import all the emails from PST files in your organization. Emails with valuable content (contracts, marketing collateral, etc.) may be in PST files on the network share but nobody knows where they are or how to access them.
Import Raw Email (RFC822)A native tool which can import raw emails which are in RFC822 format.
Import Historical EmailImport all the historical emails from the mail server using email crawling tools. Tools are available for MS Exchange Server (2007, 2010, 2013, O365), IBM Lotus Notes Domino Server, Novell GroupWise Server, and MD Daemon.
LEGAL AND EDISCOVERY TOOLSReview and redact email content using our easy-to-use eDiscovery and litigation tools. Customize your archiving workflows to fit your business' needs.
Legal Hold AutomationUnfortunately, the possibility of legal action is all too real today. Since emails are legal business records they must be saved and made available if necessary. Intradyn's archiving solution meets this requirement by providing the ability to establish a legal hold on the basis of searches. Automate the legal hold process for all emails using schedule searches.
Easy Redaction ToolMany emails have sensitive information such as physical addresses or personal phone numbers. Remove them before they are released for FOIA requests or other information demands.
Review and Comment ToolsUse immediately to create flexible work flow for email compliance and review. The review and comment features are designed for usability, accurate discovery, and flexible workflow.
EASY, INTUITIVE AND POWERFUL SEARCH"Find any or all the emails using easy, intuitive and powerful search, even typos or misspellings are covered by fuzzy logic. Search capabilities include locating messages containing specific attributes (including metadata) instead of trying to remember where an email was stored or what its subject was.
Multi-unit SearchingSingle search will capture data from multiple deployments. For example when you have one unit in US headquarters and another in EMEA headquarters. Completely transparent to the end users.
Wild SearchesThere are two types of wildcard searches: single-character wildcard and multiple-character wildcard. Support Tutorial
Proximity SearchesProximity searches are used to find single terms that are located a specified distance apart. Support Tutorial
Fuzzy SearchesA fuzzy search will allow you to search for a single term that may have been misspelled and will result in terms with similar spelling and the same number of characters. Support Tutorial
Save SearchSaved search feature for those searches you expect to perform on a regular basis. You may save as many searches as you would like and perform them whenever you choose.
Schedule SearchSaved searches you wish to run on a regular basis, the solution has the ability to perform them automatically. A summary email will be sent to you nightly with number of results and a link to view the results. Schedule searches can also place a legal hold or tag on any email which meets the search criteria.
Attachment SearchingFind any attachment using metadata (like name and type) search. You can search within the content of popular file types like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, HTML, Text, OpenOffice Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, and Zip files.
Search in 100+ languagesSearch in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, or any other language. The search engine supports over 100 languages.
MULTIPLE ACCESS METHODS FOR END USERNative MS Outlook plug-in gives end-users simple and familiar interface to access their emails. Make all features or subset of features available to end-users from web application.
Role Based PermissionDifferent features are available to users depending on their role in the company. Legal department might get full access to all the emails and work flow features. Whereas employees will get access to just their emails and search features.
Export Email as PDF or EMLProvide emails to the third parties as PDF or EML. Search, select one or more emails and export to zip. You can simple share the zip file from the web application. The receiving party will receive an email with a download link.
End-User AuthenticationUse your current authentication method to grant access to the end-users. Users will only have access to their own emails.
Audit TrailsAll user actions are audited giving your Legal department assurance that an email has not been altered. The Legal department is called when an organization is already in a tight situation. Giving them a tool which helps them in performing their tasks quickly and with confidence is good for you and for the whole organization.
FLEXIBLE AND GRANULAR EMAIL RETENTIONRegulators and courts treat email messages as written documents. Managing these emails messages as business records assures that we meet the burden of proof of regulations such as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Email Retention PolicyA policy that establishes how long an email should remain in your email archiving solution before being deleted automatically.
EXPANDABLE, STACKABLE AND FLEXIBLE SCALABILITY"All Intradyn archiving solutions provide multiple scalable methods, all of which can fit into your datacenter strategy.
Unlimited StorageCloudsis archiving solution is hosted in a secure cloud with unlimited storage.
MESSAGING INTELLIGENCE (Add-on)Visualization tool that provides insights into your organization's communications. The solution captures, analyzes and manages email flow from all of your organization's communication sources. As a result, relationships from across the entire organization are available for use as a complete 360° communications view.
Account ViewThis view applies a heat map to a graphical representation of the relationships between internal users and their external contact domains and accounts. The intuitive interface helps piece relationships together at the press of a button and quickly navigates and explores these relationships.
Relationship ViewThis view allows greater exploration of a graphical representation of the relationships between individuals.
Account Relationship ReportA summary for contact domains or accounts showing when and who was last in contact with them.
Account Activity ReportA report based around one or more contact or domains for message activity data.
Staff Handover ReportThe handover report enables clear and simple transition of accounts when someone is leaving a role that interacts with customers, partners and internal colleagues. When a sales person transitions out of their role, the handover report allows sales and partner management to see the strongest relationships, the last time they interacted with clients and partners and insure that opportunities and projects don't get lost in the re-assignment of those accounts to a new person to manage.
Staff Relationship ReportA report based around one staff member for message activity data.
Staff Activity ReportA report based around one staff member for message activity data.
BACKUP AND DISASTER RECOVERYBackup and disaster recovery are essential features of any solution. A solution that has valuable data needs to have multiple layers of protection.
Cloud BackupLong-term, cost-effective and highly secure storage available for fully managed cloud-based disaster recovery and scalability of your appliance. Cloud-based disaster recovery and backup for complete redundancy which is fast, reliable and secure. Replicate all data on the cloud using efficient bandwidth usage and minimal storage footprint using our de-duplicated data technology. Your data is safe in our cloud but it can also increase your storage requirements by creating a secondary tier of storage in the cloud. Our cloud infrastructure provides 99.999999999% durability and up to 99.99% availability of data.