The deduction amount for this new attachment order is calculated by using a table of bandwidths and
percentages for weekly and monthly paid employees supplied by the Department for Work & Pensions(DWP). In some circumstances the DWP will allow an alternative fixed amount to be deducted.
Deduction Profiles
Two new options are available on the Deduction Profile
form (accessed from the Payroll - Maintenance menu)
for the DEA attachment order:
• (DEA) - Table.
• (DEA) - Fixed.
The deductions should be described on the deduction
profile as either ‘DEA Table’ or ‘DEA Fixed’ so that they
are displayed on payslips appropriately.

New Table and Fixed DEA options on the Deduction Profile form
Employee Attachment Orders
The new DEA options can be selected on the Attachment Orders form (accessed from the Payroll - Processing form) for each relevant employee.