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How to opt-out an Employee

After being enrolled, employees who are categorised as an eligible jobholder or non-eligible jobholder can decide to opt out. They can only do this during the opt-out period which usually lasts for one month, starting two working days after the employee is enrolled. You will need to refund any contributions already made during the opt-out period. If the money has already been paid to the pension provider, they will then refund the money to you.

The Opt-Out process in Pegasus Opera 3 must involve:

1. Updating the Auto Enrolment Details

Payroll > Processing > Find Employee > Action > Pensions > Auto Enrolment Details

The "status" will need to be changed to Opted-Out, at which point you will be taken to the “Postpone or Stop” Tab.

You will need to ensure you have also entered the relevant Opt-Out details in this section, [...]

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